Thursday, October 18, 2018

[Book] The Art of Asking by Amanda Palmer

This book is amazing. I listened to the audio book and I'm glad I did because I doubt it would have captured things the same way. I think it is a very needed response from the sheer vigilante mob style justice that very often occurs on the internet from people who don't know what they're doing, don't bother to investigate the nuances of a situation and pile on in a way to make things even worse.

Moreover, the thing she is advocating, a way to let artists be artists, is a necessary paradigm shift for our society especially as we approach a post scarcity economy or "singularity" as tech folks like to say it. What do you DO when the robots handle most everything? The sacred subjective, the personal experience of the artist is how we could, among other things, spend our days, but true art and true creativity works at its best when folks come together and collaborate. Artists should be paid, and those repeated gifs and things you see spreading around the internet are true but SO IS THIS BOOK.

I have seen the results of collaboration once money is not considered the only thing in an equation; I have seen and struggled with creatives, trying to help them raise funds when they simply did not UNDERSTAND how money works and how much benefit it would make happen in society. The most important thing about this book is that we simply need to accept help when it is given. There is NOTHING WRONG with "Taking the Doughnuts." Sometimes our pride, or elements of puritan culture are disgusting and the way we treat artists is one of them.

If you are at all involved with creative endeavors, I cannot recommend this book enough.

Monday, October 15, 2018

[Tech]Fire 7 Tablet with Alexa, 7" Display, 8 GB, Black - with Special Offers

This rancid little piece of trash refuses to let me load non amazon applications even when the "non amazon sources" setting is turned off. My chrome book broke down a while ago, and I decided to replace it with this. The used chromebook cost $100 but this only cost $70, seemed a steal. I could get comics etc. Look, as a Tablet this thing is a solid three stars but even a lot of apps in the amazon app store don't seem compatible with it and I shouldn't have to root my device just to put what I want on my own machine. TOTAL WASTE OF MONEY.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

[Book] Shadow of Victory by David Weber

I am a serious Weber fan. I have put up with a few other mediocre titles in some of his minor works because his name was on more. I will never pay full hard cover price for another one of his books again. If his name is on it, I am going to be reading reviews on anything that he writes to make sure he doesn't use another ghost writer since I simply cannot believe her wrote this. HOW could he have made such an insult to his readers? I loved the first two books of the Talbot series that, even though it was mainly B list characters, I loved the set up, then suddenly he writes trash about a bunch of people I don't care about revolting a bunch of other people I don't care about. I tried skipping from page 100 to page 300 and still didn't care.

I LITERALLY THREW THIS BOOK IN THE TRASH. It has been fifteen years since I threw a book away that I didnt have to due to moving; at least a used book store or library could help find a good book a good home. I used to like Tom Clancy, but Tom Clancy took advantage of my good will by slapping his name on whatever CRAP hack writers could produce. The thing is, at least Clancy had the decency that he was farming it out to a ghost or minor writer and just exploiting his brand name. This is some junior intern that showed a thorough understanding of Weber's notes and began to churn out the crap and Weber didn't even READ it since he's having too much fun with his former peers writing the Manticore prequels. I say former peers because Weber has given up the right to call himself their peer; not because he doesn't have the talent but because he simply stopped giving a damn and either by himself or by abrogation to a ghost writer of writing fan fiction to himself. Every writer indulges in a little vanity. to himself, and this is a fine thing, hell Tolkien wrote the Lord of the Rings because he wanted to have something to do with the language he invented, so writing entire characters based on a world so you could have it rescued; sure why the hell not? And if you knock it out of the park again and again you can screw your fans once and still make buckage.

Yes, he's right. But the thing is...this is not a cheap money grab...this is neglect. I would rather he HAVE contempt for me rather than neglect, for you see the one thing that made Tolkien and Martin and Weber's betters at Baen SHINE is attention to detail. And I simply no longer trust that Weber will have it. This book was SLOPPY. I did not keep the book to measure; perhaps it was merely in my own mind, but I swear I felt that the very pages themselves were set wrong and that the image in the software made it so that the test at the top was at an angle compared to the bottom. Optical illusion? I don't know.

But after reading the pig slop that this was...I simply don't trust. Every writer makes mistakes, but King only gets better over time. Martin made mistakes but while he masturbated in his books it is obvious he still CARES. Weber's affections are with Safehold. His passion for Honor is nothing but a whore to make him money for whatever it is that he spends his money on.

And will I read his books still? Sure. Likely. If others approve of his works. But I will never trust him again. I will never buy another book blindly again. He will never get another $21 of my money again because his name is on it.

Monday, October 8, 2018

[Book] Shadow Path by William Maxwell

The thing I like the most about this book is its esoteric understanding of the occult. The author has clearly done his research from the obscure but accurate representations of Christianist philosophies to the interesting references of Enochian. The two lead characters are human, dynamic and have a believable character arc and the villain leaves just enough intrigue that you can see what would make him a monster.

In his authors note, William explains this is his first novel and it shows. The novel is technically perfect without spelling or grammar errors but does drag a bit between the first third and midpoint of the book but it picks up once you finally understand what the stakes really are and that this is not some "oh they are really in an asylum" style work.

I recommend reading this if you are a fan of murder and the occult and apparently this book is on the hit lists of White Supremacists which is a bonus. Given how Nazis are portrayed in the book I can see why they don't like it. A very solid read and very glad I purchased it.