To do a job
You need three skills
1) Being able to ypur job
2) Being able to LOOK like you are doing your job
3) Getting the job in the first place
Here are some 101 tips.
A) You lost your job
-File for unemployment immediately. Swallow your pride and do it.
-Chamge your budged to only essentialls immediatrly. Swallow your pride.
-Update your resume immediately
-Put that Resume up EVERYWHERE you can immediatrly including Indeed, Linkedin, Monster and any recriuiters who have reached out to you in the last year.
-Contact or get your references NOW. You may need them quickly.
B} Resume 101
-Have one
-Have a one page and multi page version depending on for whom; for recruiters send both
-For anyone but recruiters send that fucker in pdf format. Control how it looks
-If you can afford it pay someone else to do it
-If you cant, get help or at least a second pair of eyes
-Proofread. Proofread. Propfread. No one is hiring a nuclear engineer who spells it Nukleer.
-Be consistent in your formatting.
-Managers fucking love numbers. Dont say you helped customers say you helped 12 customers an hour 20 hours a week for 37 months.
C} Unemployment 102
-For most non entry level jobs,this is marathon not a spring, spend 1-3 hours a day looking and then do sanity maintenance
-Exercize. Every single fucking day. Depression kills ypur productivity.
-Check job boards. Check specific conpany websites. Make a circuit you check once a week or every few weeks. Check federal, state, county and city governemnt boards who may not post on monster or inderd.
-Unless a scam artist always reply to anyone who reaghes out even if not relevant
-Do volunteer or service if you can. Paying it forward is not only good karma it belps keep you sane.
D) Interview 101
-Review the job description the day before
-If able do nothing else before the interview.
-If able be near (but not AT!!!) the job site 2 hours early. Murphy lives and he has your number
-Wear the most professional clothing you have and can afford. For men, thats a suit. If you cant get that shirt and tie. TIE.
-Bring a phyiscal copy of your resume on nice paper, 3 copies if you can.
-If the job demands it, have examples of your portfolio in a professional looking binder.
-YES you have questions.
-YES you have a weakness if they are stupid enough to ask this question, make it a positive weakness
-If you can roleplay out the interview w a friend and ask them to point out nervous non verbal tells like blinking checking your watch or folding your arms
-Send a thank you email if you actually want the job