Thursday, June 9, 2022

[Political Party] Republican Party of the United States

 Name of Party: The Republican Party

Nickname(s): The GOP, The Party of Reagan, The Party of Lincoln, The Party of Trump

What the Nickname(s) Should Be: GQP (Grand Qanon Party), The Party of Hitler, KKK Lite

Symbol: The Elephant

What the Symbol Should Be: A Jack Boot

Lying Quotient: Lie like they breathe

Semantics Quotient: Low - The GQP stands for absolutely nothing

Social Arc: Conservative

Fiscal Arc: Conservative

Actual Social Arc: Theocratic

Actual Fiscal Arc: Kleptocratic

Actual Commitment to Democracy: None (Fascists)

Well Known Leaders: Donald Trump, Steve Bannon, Mitch McConnel

Factions: Q, Club For Growth, KKK, Ammosexuals of America, Christofascist


Short: This party started out as anti slavery, pro public infrastructure, pro fiscal responsibility and turned into slavery for women, pro corporate and pro theocracy.

Medium: The GQP stands for absolutely nothing except power, they were absolutely willing to hand the keys to Permanent Presidency to Donald Trump while paying lip service to the constitution and now pretend this did not happen.  Their primary tactics include psuedo debate, whataboutism, sensationalism, propaganda and lying.  They stand for nothing and no one if it will get them power and have absolutely no loyalty to each other whatsoever.

Maximum Verbosity: There are a handful of political organizations that are totally beyond redemption; the Khmer Rouge, the CCP, the National Socialist Party of Germany, The Soviet Communist Party and now the American GOP.  They are beyond reform and are actively working as enemies of the state and humanity itself.  Their active allies includes viruses, fascism, conspiracy theories, kleptocratic capitalists, liars, pedophiles and anything and everything that one might consider dark and evil.  They are not 'Shades of Grey' like well done cartoon villains and make even the one dimensional cartoon villains of Captain Planet look like well rounded characters.  The only thing not utterly predictable about this party is the depths to which they will sink and the callousness with which they will treat their fellow man.

They worship guns and the 1789 constitution even though they routinely defecate on and defile the latter with a gusto reserved for only the most fanatical of cult members.  There is not a 'good side' though there are good members but 'good' must be held in perspective such that Liz Cheney, daughter of well known torture advocate and international fugitive war criminal Dick Cheney actually believes in Democracy.  These 'good' members are greatly threatened by the majority of the party and frankly, if there was ever an organization that one should proudly leave, it is the GQP.

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