Sunday, October 24, 2010

Souless by Gail Carriger

This book is quite fun. Its a Victorian urban fantasy novel that takes a lot of the same tropes that we've seen over and over again (Vampires, Werewolves, Ghosts and Frankensteins) and breaths fresh life into them. There is also a rather new twist on the way vampires are done (which these days is VERY hard to do). Essentially, the book combines the steam punk (Zeppelins), Romance, and Urban Fantasy genres with excellent skill.

The source of the title is essentially that the main protagonist is preternatural, who can drain the supernatural abilities. She accidentally murders a vampire at the beginning of the story who has no ideas about the proper protocols of British society. England has embraced its supernaturals and learned to live with them. The united states, with its puritan roots, not so much. Oh, and Vampires took the side of the South in the Civil War....

I liked it. It was quite fun and would highly recommend reading it. I look forward to reading the sequel.

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