Monday, September 23, 2024

[Social Media] Kolektiva.Social - The Anarchy Mastodon Instance that is Run by Hierarchy

Short:  I wish I could tell you that a Mastodon Instance built by Anarchs would live up to Anarch Ideals, But I'd Be Lying.

Medium: I fled to Kolektiva.Social after Mastodon.Social decided that my defense of college protesters who didn't like the Israeli Genocide merited enough action that the State of Germany told Gagron, founder of to attack my account.  I have proof of what happened on my writing blog; what matters here is I thought about the safest place for me to flee, and I went to the most leftwing instance I knew.  At the time, I knew nothing about Anarchism, but I also know that was a colossal waste of my time as is this place.  It is the most hierachical place in the history of Anarch institutions; not even a syndicate or a collective but run by a committee of six; several of whom told me on Day 1 that they side with Israel so watch my step.  Which I did, so the powers that be found another way to make me leave.

Maximum Verbosity: I deleted my account.  I also deleted my author only account on Tech.Lgbt which hasn't done anything but frankly I like them and I didn't want them to be subject to the targeted harassment I received on Kolektiva.  The most reportable instance was when an innocent named Blog Diva was spammed by Gagron setting my account to limited (for pointing out what he did on and spammed anyone I interacted with on with a notification so it seemed to the poor woman that I was spamming and stalking her; but MudMob; the demented tyrant decided to side with (I'm guessing mud mob is one of the zioninsts on kolektiva but that's only speculation).  What I do know is that my absolute shame and indignation about what Gagron had done to my account made Mudmob tell ME to be less defensive with an absolute lack of empathy for the assault on my account.

It is apparent to me that Kolekitva isn't really about Direct Action so much as McAnarchy and more concerned about being a popularity contest to spread the gospel of Anarchy than it is to actually make the world a better place.  The inciting incident was when I commented on the nine billionth post attacking Mastodon because it is full of bigots (like Gagron and Mudmob) and how they were shutting down their account.  Gee, if I was Mark Zuckerfucker and had a billion dollars, do you have any idea how fucking cheap it would be to set up a bunch of false accounts of bigots who then proceed to attack Mastodon and get every gullible white knight Liberal to run mob violence to the rescue so that they can get their maximum allocation of virtue signal points.  Indeed, the reason I know this is a scam has now been taken down and doesnt show up in Kolektiva searches.  So far as I know, based on google searches,  its been taken down entirely, likely by court action due to a think tank.  My proof is all gone; which is convenient, but the screenshots I took of Gagron's tyranny are mostly gone since they won't let me totally delete my account (meanwhile actual nazis just make a new email and just log right back on but I can't entirely delete my account on has a more generous deletion policy.). 

Hell, I think the best proof for my claims is, get suspended for something harmless and try to delete your account on  You can't.  Its the stupidest most kludgy enforcement mechanism in the history of man kind.

The irony is that I was starting to take interest in Anarchism.  I was studying it and may still use it in my future works; but I've always had reservations about it.  It isn't what people think it is.  Until I met Mudmob, I observed anarchists to be more moral than most people but a Liberal Anarch is such an oxymoron I dont know what to say.  I define genetic conservatives and genetic liberals as those who are resistant to change and those who weaponize the moreys of a culture and society to maintain the status quo or their hierarchy.  Anarchs aren't supposed to have heirachys, because hierarchy is corruptible, which is why Liberals love to weaponize it, but that doesnt stop Liberals from infiltrating anarchism and behaving just as much of a Delores Umbridge as any Labour  / Ministry of Magic petty tyrant given a small amount of power.

I believe that a true anarch instance is only possible with a much wider committee than six people, that is absolutely transparent in its discussions and that when acting in an administrative capacity not allowed to be private at all.  I went to the trouble to block the hired agents trying to destroy mastodon and mud mob went to the trouble of copying the offended liar and talking to her and me indirectly in a most condescending way.  In other words, she acted like a liberal.

At the end of the day, I decided that dealing with more hypocrites-anarchs pretending to be anarchs but on a committee for public safety, was more than I could tolerate and left.  I've left social media and left mastodon entirely.  I dont recommend mastodon, not because its full of bigots, but because it might give you hope for what an anticapitalist and decentralized social media platform can do but is so riddled with state agents and corporate saboteurs that it is assuredly doomed.

Just skip the step and join Blue Sky which is run by a think tank agent; likely the same think tank that is trying to destroy mastodon.  As for Anarchy....let me save you several hours of their Kafkaesque faq.

The two incidents they point to for why anarchy works are the First Nations and Prehistory; and the Spanish Civil War.  Last I checked, not a single First Nation actually runs on anarchy even if their version of hieirarchy is considerably different than western ideology.  Prehistory is the same as basing your society on the Bible; our understanding of it changes so often and so many times that its fucking bullshit.  And finally, the Spanish civil war, which based on high level analysis did actually work pretty well but, surprise surprise, anarchists didn't find fighting in trenches to their liking so while. highly motivated in many ways without a hierarchy they got crushed by the communists.

If you can't win wars; you can't exist unless you get some shangrila zen moment which I am all in favor of hoping for but given that they can't even run a half decent mastodon shard by their own fucking principals I'm pretty sure you are better off with just about any political philsophy but anarchism.

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